the Ally Toolkit
The Ally Toolkit Includes:
A checklist of helpful tips you can do RIGHT NOW
A detailed list of resources for you and for your LGBTQIA+ loved one or friend
My Language of LGBTQIA+ ebook (see details below)
Includes Detailed...
Definitions of all words
Explanation of more complex words
Explanation of how to use (and not use!) words and phrases
Commonly Confused Words
Pronouns, Gender, and much more!
do you want to be a better ally?
The Ally Toolkit can help you!
The checklist will give you tools to help in any moment of stress or panic.
The extensive list of resources will guide you as you search for specific answers or deepen your knowledge. The Language of LGBTQIA+ will help you learn and understand the words and phrases that you don't understand but are afraid to ask how to use properly!
Unless you are Gen Z, you are likely lagging in your understanding of LGBTQIA+. You are not alone - stop beating yourself up for what you feel you "should" know! The fact that you are on this page means you are curious and I applaud that. Whether you have an LGBTQIA+ child, friend, relative, colleague, or just want to expand your vocabulary and knowledge, this comprehensive toolkit is created just for you!
After close to a year of research, observing behavior, working with parents and allies, and talking to MANY LGBTQIA+ people, I created a solution ...
A little info about...
Heather Hester
I am the founder of Chrysalis Mama and the creator of the podcast, Just Breathe: Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen. I am also a "coming out" coach for parents of LGBTQIA+ adolescents, teens, and young adults as well as a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion speaker, partnering with organizations to support and educate their employees on all topics surrounding loving and raising an LGBTQIA+ child.
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